
EAP Utilization

ComplianceOne Employee Assistance Program provides employers with secure access to Utilization Reports 24/7/365.

Confidentiality is the cornerstone of an effective Employee Assistance Program.  All employees have the right to seek assistance for their problems and know that their problems will be kept in strict confidence. Only the employee may (and often does) reveal his or her treatment.

ComplianceOne recognizes that confidentiality is a very important issue as many people possess a stake in it. Confidentiality can be particularly puzzling for employers who need to know about an employee’s ability to work and who wish to evaluate their EAP. Employees, however, will not use a service that does not assure some measure of privacy. By the same token, confidentiality guidelines are important to assure the counselors a measure of autonomy in treating clients.

All employers will receive annual statistical reports showing their employees’ usage of the program (i.e. number of calls and/or visits, types of calls). These reports to our employers reflect only statistics of the results of service. The only exception to this rule is when the proper written release of information form has been signed by the employee. We will continue to provide the highest standards of confidentiality throughout all phases of your program.

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